Monday, March 7, 2011

Gig Time: Pete Yorn/Ben Kweller

The Westcott Theatre has some pretty impressive lineups once in a while. The odds are stacked against it, if you think about it: a) it's not very big, b) it's not very central to anything, and c) it's in Syracuse.
So color me thoroughly impressed when they hosted Pete Yorn and Ben Kweller last night.

I was sent to the show by The Newshouse (Newhouse school's multimedia web news source), but they haven't put up the pictures yet so, alas, I cannot post a click-through link. (I will, though. As soon as I have a link.)

[Update: Newshouse posted their link. Check it out here. They also linked back to the blog. Thanks!]

Experience the magic.

Ben Kweller

Pete Yorn

1 comment:

  1. Never seen Pete live, but Ben is an excellent showman. I am very jealous.
