Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Adventure Trek: Colorado

I didn't actually realize what kind of activities I was getting myself into when I signed on to spend New Year's at the Zapata ranch. "Dress for the cold," was the only hint that my brother gave me as we were headed out over the Sangre de Cristo mountains (our mountains) towards the San Luis Valley. We made it to the ranch after a bit of a white-out coming over the mountain pass, a fair amount of road trip snacks and New Year's Eve came and went faster than you can say, "it's 15 below zero, what the hell are we doing outside?!" So, consequently, the first day of the year was quiet and uneventful.

On the third day we fed the buffalo. Yes. The buffalo. That is correct.

Here's what we were driving:

Yes, I've numbered areas to make the description simpler. Don't judge.
1. The bed of the truck is where the team (Alfi, Deanna, Pat and Maggie) road for the adventure trek.
    They made the call (a Pavlov's dogs style of shenanigans) to make the buffalo realize they were
    gonna get fed. (Nothing complicated, more like a steady "Ooooooooo" sound.)
2. That is where the food (a.k.a "cake") came out of. The cake is a sort of cerealy super-good-for-them  
    grain, and it was our task to deliver it.
3. That's my seat. In the cab. Prime photo-taking spot.

Check out what came of it:

Duke Phillips IV